About Qigong

Qigong (pronounced "chee gung") is an ancient Chinese movement art, similar to taichi. Unlike taichi, which is considered a martial art, qigong movements focus on cultivating the body's "qi" (energy or vital life force) to improve and maintain health and promote longevity.
I encourage all of my patients to practice qigong or taichi to maintain health and increase the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments. There are hundreds of styles of qigong--some more quiet and meditative and others more active. Many forms mimic the movements of animals. It's important to find the style that is right for you.
I currently offer private and group classes in Wild Goose Qigong through Wen Wu School Portland. For information on Wild Goose Qigong and a schedule of classes, please visit www.wildgooseqigongpdx.com.
Qigong (pronounced "chee gung") is an ancient Chinese movement art, similar to taichi. Unlike taichi, which is considered a martial art, qigong movements focus on cultivating the body's "qi" (energy or vital life force) to improve and maintain health and promote longevity.
I encourage all of my patients to practice qigong or taichi to maintain health and increase the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments. There are hundreds of styles of qigong--some more quiet and meditative and others more active. Many forms mimic the movements of animals. It's important to find the style that is right for you.
I currently offer private and group classes in Wild Goose Qigong through Wen Wu School Portland. For information on Wild Goose Qigong and a schedule of classes, please visit www.wildgooseqigongpdx.com.